Born Bored/CK News and Updates News Letter
Born Bored/CK News and Updates News Letter Podcast
CK News Podcast: Wednesday 10/18/2023

CK News Podcast: Wednesday 10/18/2023

Born Bored Media Production: Everything News, Web3, Tech and Art. Bringing you information to turn you into your own Alpha

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October 18, 2023

Embrace Curiosity, Cultivate Inner Resilience, and Share Kindness

Mantra: "I embrace curiosity, cultivate inner resilience, and share kindness."

Number Science: Numerology - 9 (Compassion, Humanity, Completion)

On this October 18, 2023, let us adopt an alpha mindset that encourages us to embrace curiosity, cultivate inner resilience, and share kindness. Approach the day with a sense of wonder and curiosity about the world around you. Cultivate inner resilience by connecting with your strength to overcome challenges. Share kindness and compassion with those around you, creating a harmonious and uplifting atmosphere.

The numerology of 9 signifies compassion, humanity, and completion. Use this energy to extend your compassion to others, embrace our shared humanity, and work toward a sense of wholeness.

With this alpha mindset, mantra, and the influence of numerology, may we approach October 18, 2023, with a sense of curiosity, inner strength, and a commitment to spreading kindness and compassion, making it a day of exploration, personal growth, and meaningful contributions to others.

The Battle Within: The Creator's Internal War

The Silent Adversary

  • Every artist, innovator, or dreamer confronts an unseen adversary. Think of it as "Creative Inertia." It's the invisible wall we hit when we try to move forward, halting our progress and making every step feel like a marathon.

Tactics Against Creative Inertia

  • The remedy for this inertia is to cultivate a "Craftsman's Ethos." This ethos focuses on dedication, discipline, and a deep respect for the process, not just the end result.

  • Being a craftsman means putting in the hours, sharpening the tools (both literal and metaphorical), and approaching your art with unwavering devotion.

Tapping into the Ethereal Flow

  • Once you push past that inertia, there's a river of raw inspiration and cosmic energy waiting. Some may call it the "Ethereal Flow." It's where great ideas emerge and art becomes effortless.

  • This flow isn't a reward but a testament to the craftsman’s dedication. It’s a realm where the universe conspires to help those who've shown commitment to their craft.

Recognize Creative Inertia: Before you can tackle it, you must see it. Whenever you feel stalled, stuck, or uninspired, that's the inertia playing its tricks.

Forge Your Craftsman's Ethos: Discipline isn’t a punishment; it's a pathway. It's about respect for your craft and recognizing the process as the real masterpiece.

Embrace the Continual Fight: The creative journey is never a straight path. It's a series of battles against inertia, but each victory makes you more resilient.

Stay Grounded: Success, when it comes, is not just your triumph. It's the result of tapping into that Ethereal Flow, a force beyond our complete understanding. Honor it.

Trust the Ethereal: There’s magic in the universe that only those dedicated to their craft ever experience. Believe in it, and let it guide your work.

A lot of time we use the phrase me vs. me or you vs. you, and it truly is. The quicker you understand Art and creativity is war with the self the quicker you will be able to understand the fight you are up against and turn the tides in your favor.

We hope this has helped and brought value to your day.

The Trap of Pre-existing Narratives

In a world where information overflows from every corner, narratives often dictate our thoughts, actions, and beliefs. They are the frameworks that simplify complex subjects into digestible stories.

However, these narratives can become constraining, limiting our perspectives and stifling innovation. To truly flourish in the Web3 era, we must break free from old narratives and cultivate an 'Alpha Mindset.'

Narratives are everywhere:

  • Media headlines that influence public opinion.

  • Popular beliefs that shape our behavior.

  • Established norms that determine our actions.

These narratives shape our worldview, often acting as self-fulfilling prophecies.

Web3 is more than just a technological advancement; it's a paradigm shift. Decentralization, trustless transactions, and open-source protocols challenge the status quo. This new era demands new ways of thinking, unfettered by old narratives.

An Alpha Mindset doesn't imply dominance over others, but mastery over oneself

  • Embrace Uncertainty: Accept that we don't have all the answers. Be comfortable in ambiguity and always be curious.

  • Continuous Learning: The Web3 world evolves rapidly. Dedicate time for self-improvement and skills acquisition.

  • Think Independently: Question everything. Don't just follow the crowd, evaluate information critically.

  • Adaptability: The only constant is change. Adapt, pivot, and evolve as the environment shifts.

  • Collaborative Spirit: Web3 emphasizes community and collaboration. Engage, share, and co-create with others.

Breaking Free from Old Narratives

Challenge Assumptions: Regularly reassess what you think you know. Is it based on fact or a narrative?

Diversify Inputs: Consume information from diverse sources. Different perspectives foster broader understanding.

Mindfulness Practice: Introspection helps in identifying and discarding limiting beliefs.

When you break free from old narratives and cultivate an Alpha Mindset

  • You're better equipped to navigate the decentralized landscape.

  • You become a proactive participant rather than a passive consumer.

  • Your decisions are based on thoughtful introspection, not dictated by prevailing narratives.

The Call to Action

The Web3 era beckons a new generation of thinkers, creators, and innovators. Breaking free from narratives isn't just beneficial; it's essential. By embracing the Alpha Mindset, we can lead the charge in this new age, co-creating a more inclusive, decentralized, and innovative world.

Spotlight of the Day

Ali Kiani Amin @ali_kianiamin

Link tree :

A wonderful artist, teacher and contributor to the Web3 community. When we need to grow we need to expose ourselves to other great minds and this is one of them. We would suggest notifications on for and definite follow. This connection is a gem and we think you will be better for connecting with Ali. Congrats to Ali for spotlight of the day.



Joanne Enders - It's Little Things

Open Edition active /Buy amount max 10 : Price 0.99 ꜩ$0.63

The Digital Renaissance - preview from a section of my book

The rustling pages of history are replete with moments that redefine humanity's trajectory. The Renaissance, a period spanning the 14th to the 17th century, stands as one such inflection point. A cultural, artistic, political, and economic rebirth that laid the foundation for the modern world. Today, as we find ourselves at the cusp of the NFT revolution, the echoes of the past blend seamlessly with the rhythms of the present, heralding what many perceive as the Digital Renaissance.

The Echoes of Florence

Florence, in the heart of the Italian Renaissance, witnessed a surge in art, science, and thought. Patrons like the Medici family funded artists, allowing talents like Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo to flourish. Similarly, the NFT space is witnessing the rise of digital patrons—individuals and entities investing in and supporting digital artists. This patronage, often decentralized and stemming from a global audience, is enabling artists from diverse backgrounds to find their voice and audience.

Much like the invention of the printing press democratized knowledge, NFTs are decentralizing ownership. The Mona Lisa, though priceless, is singular and unattainable. Yet, a digital artwork encoded as an NFT can be owned, traded, and even fractionalized, allowing multiple individuals a stake in its value. This shift from centralized to decentralized ownership is reshaping our understanding of value, challenging the age old constructs of scarcity and exclusivity.

If you are on Zora this is our forever free edition

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Team Alpha: thank you for being with us everyday

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Born Bored/CK News and Updates News Letter
Born Bored/CK News and Updates News Letter Podcast
Our podcast is a vibrant hub for enthusiasts, creators, and dreamers in the realms of cutting-edge technology and Web3 art. Each episode is a journey into the heart of innovation, exploring the most exciting advancements and creative endeavors in the digital world.
Join us as we dive into the depths of Web3, unraveling its mysteries and showcasing how it's reshaping the art scene. From blockchain breakthroughs to NFT revolutions, we cover it all with a fun and engaging twist. Our community is a melting pot of ideas and inspirations, where you're not just a listener but an active participant, an "alpha" of your own story.
Whether you're a tech guru, an art aficionado, or someone who loves staying ahead of the curve, "Alpha Innovators" is your gateway to staying informed and inspired. With expert insights, lively discussions, and a touch of humor, we make the complex world of tech and art accessible and enjoyable.
So, plug in, power up, and prepare to be part of a community that's at the forefront of the digital revolution. Subscribe to "Alpha Innovators" and be the alpha of your own innovative journey!