Born Bored/CK News and Updates News Letter
Born Bored/CK News and Updates News Letter Podcast
CK News Podcast: Thursday 11/02/2023

CK News Podcast: Thursday 11/02/2023

Born Bored Media Production: Everything News, Web3, Tech and Art. Bringing you information to turn you into your own Alpha

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Rarible Introduces RaribleX: A Marketplace for Web2 Brands

Sending Labs Introduces SocialScan: The Social Evolution of Blockchain Explorers

Speculating BMW’s Leap into Web3: A Narrative Unveiled at ApeFest

ATP Tour Releases Customizable Tennis Posters as NFTs

Luxury smartphone brand, VERTU, unveils METAVERTU2: The world’s most intelligence

Microsoft releases big Windows 11 update with Copilot AI assistant included

Norman Rockwell Museum steps into the age of digital collecting with its first NFT release

Dmail launches Subscription Hub: Revolutionizing Web3 communication

Adidas Partners with Bugatti for Exclusive Footwear Auction

Atari Revives Retro Members Only Jackets for NFT Collectors

21 people were sentenced in a case involving converting 'dirty' USDT to RMB

Nym ventures into decentralized VPN realm, broadening privacy mixnet protocol

Coin Center loses Tornado Cash lawsuit, intends to appeal

A16z-backed crypto index platform moves on-chain with v2 launch

PayPal hit with SEC subpoena over its PYUSD stablecoin

Alibaba and Tencent Form Alliances in New Era for China Big Tech

ProShares launches first short ether futures ETF for bearish traders

SBF's closing argument: Prosecution's 'movie villain' narrative lacks any clear motive

Post Malone Is Taking Over 'Apex Legends'

Sam Bankman-Fried Lambasted by Prosecutor Right Before Jurors Begin Deciding His Fate: SBF Thought 'He Could Fool the World'

Hashing It Out: Roofstock onChain vice president explains how Web3 and real estate interact

A Former MoMA Employee Is Suing the Museum For Discrimination, Alleging Unjust Termination

FAB Paris Returns This Month With a Dazzling Array of Art and Antiques, From Ancient Egypt to the Palace of Versailles

From Pablo Picasso to Nicolas Party, Baldwin Contemporary Traces the Influences of Modern and Contemporary Art

November 2, 2023

Embrace Possibilities, Cultivate Inner Resilience, and Share Kindness

"I embrace possibilities, cultivate inner resilience, and share kindness."

Numerology - 6 (Harmony, Balance, Nurturing)

On this November 2, 2023, let us adopt an alpha mindset that encourages us to embrace possibilities, cultivate inner resilience, and share kindness. Open your heart and mind to the endless possibilities that each day offers. Cultivate inner resilience by acknowledging your resilience and determination. Share kindness and compassion with those around you, creating a positive and supportive environment.

The numerology of 6 signifies harmony, balance, and nurturing. Use this energy to foster a sense of equilibrium and nurture your relationships with care and love.

With this alpha mindset, mantra, and the influence of numerology, may we approach November 2, 2023, with a sense of open-mindedness, inner strength, and a commitment to spreading kindness, making it a day of exploration, personal well-being, and meaningful connections with others.

Exploring the Layers of Creativity: From Echoes to Epochs

The human capacity for creativity has long fascinated artists, scientists, and scholars alike. It is the wellspring from which all innovations and artworks emerge, yet its workings remain shrouded in mystery. Traditional notions of creativity often frame it as a singular, monolithic trait—a spark of genius that one either possesses or does not. However, contemporary research suggests that creativity is more akin to a spectrum, with a multitude of expressions ranging from the faithful echo of mimicry to the epoch-making thunder of genius. This article explores the varied layers of creativity and their manifestations across different domains.

The Echo of Mimicry At the spectrum's start lies mimetic creativity. This form is foundational and is rooted in the act of learning through imitation. Whether it is a child's first scribbles that resemble the loops of letters or a budding musician playing cover songs, mimetic creativity is about internalizing and replicating existing models. It's the scaffolding upon which more complex creative acts are built.

Adapting the Known Moving beyond mimicry, adaptive creativity involves tweaking and modifying existing ideas to better suit new contexts or solve new problems. A chef who fuses traditional recipes to create a novel dish, or a developer who refines code for greater efficiency, engages in adaptive creativity. This layer is characterized by its evolutionary nature, pushing the boundaries of the known just enough to be distinct without severing ties with the familiar.

The Leap of Innovation Innovation represents a significant departure from what exists. Here, creativity begins to take on a form that is not only new but also transformative within its domain. Innovative creativity isn't just about a new melody or storyline; it's about creating new genres, devising new methods, and thinking in ways that defy conventional wisdom. Innovators are the trailblazers who chart courses through unexplored intellectual territories.

The Genesis of Invention The inventive layer of creativity is where something entirely new comes into being something not anticipated by extrapolating from existing trends. The inventions of the wheel, the internet, or the concept of zero in mathematics fall into this category. Inventive creativity is often what people traditionally think of when they use the term "creativity" it’s the kind of groundbreaking originality that has the power to change the course of history.

Emergent Synergies Emergent creativity is the surprising result of collective interaction. It is the creativity that arises not from a single individual but from the dynamic interplay of a group or a system. It's seen in the spontaneity of improvisational theater, the hive-mind innovations of open-source programming, and the unpredictable nature of social media trends.

Transforming Epochs At the highest echelon of creativity lies the transformational. This is creativity that not only produces something new but reshapes our understanding of the world. The theories of relativity, the artworks of the Renaissance, and the digitization of information are transformational—they are points in history where after them, nothing remains the same.

Creativity is not a single act nor a static trait it is a dynamic continuum. From the fidelity of mimicry to the disruptions of genius, creativity takes on many forms, each valuable and necessary. In recognizing the diversity of creativity, we may also find greater potential within ourselves and in the communities and societies we shape.

Our future, invariably creative, beckons us to explore these layers with both reverence and the joy of discovery.

Innovation with Personal Agenda is Not Innovation At All

In the fast-paced world we live in, innovation is the cornerstone of progress and development. It fuels economic growth, catalyzes social change, and propels our understanding of the world to new heights. But what happens when the purity of innovation is clouded by personal agendas? Does it lose its essence, or can self-interest and the greater good coexist in the realm of creative thinking and development? This article explores the intricate relationship between personal agendas and true innovation.

The True Spirit of Innovation

At its core, innovation is about solving problems, big and small, in new and effective ways. It’s about making life better, not just for the innovator but for society at large. It’s about looking beyond the horizon and striving to bring about change that will benefit humanity, regardless of race, creed, or socioeconomic status. When Thomas Edison invented the light bulb, his goal was not merely to create a product that would make him rich; he wanted to illuminate the world. Similarly, when Jonas Salk developed the polio vaccine, he could have become a billionaire, but he chose not to patent the vaccine for the benefit of mankind.

The Dilemma of Personal Agendas

However, innovators are human, after all, and personal agendas often creep into the equation. Whether it’s the desire for fame, wealth, or power, these personal motives can skew the direction and the ethics of innovation. When personal gain becomes the primary goal, the innovation process can be compromised, leading to solutions that are not in the public interest or that exacerbate existing problems rather than solving them.

For instance, the pharmaceutical industry has often been accused of prioritizing profits over patient health, with life-saving drugs being priced out of reach for many who need them. In the technology sector, the race for market dominance has sometimes led to a compromise in user privacy and data security. Such scenarios underscore how personal agendas can tarnish the noble pursuit of innovation.

Innovation vs. Invention

It’s essential to distinguish between invention and innovation in this context. An invention is a new product or concept that has been created, while innovation refers to the application of that invention in a way that significantly impacts society or the market. A personal agenda might drive an individual to invent, but innovation requires a broader vision that often necessitates setting aside individual aspirations for the common good.

Collaborative Innovation as a Solution

One of the ways to mitigate the influence of personal agendas is to foster a culture of collaborative innovation. When diverse groups of people come together to brainstorm, develop, and implement new ideas, the focus shifts from the individual to the collective. This collaboration can help ensure that innovations serve a wider purpose and are not solely driven by individual ambition.

Open-source projects are a prime example of innovation without personal agendas. They thrive on community contributions and are often developed with the public interest in mind rather than any individual gain. Such projects illustrate that when collaboration is at the forefront, innovation can flourish in its most altruistic form.

The Ethical Imperative

In conclusion, while personal agendas in innovation are almost inescapable, they should not overshadow the ultimate goal of any innovative endeavor: to benefit society as a whole. True innovation comes with an ethical imperative that goes beyond personal gain. It requires visionaries who are willing to look beyond themselves and see the bigger picture, where their contributions have the power to leave a lasting, positive impact on the world. The pursuit of such innovation is not just a path to progress; it's a testament to the human spirit and its capacity for selflessness and service.

Key attributes to look for in a NFT Community

Engagement and Active Participation:

  • Members are regularly interacting, not just through buying and selling but also through forums, social media, and community events.

  • There is a presence of creators, collectors, and enthusiasts who are passionate about the NFT space.


  • The project creators are open about their processes, plans, and the status of the project.

  • There is clear communication regarding smart contracts, transaction histories, and the distribution of funds.

Inclusivity and Diversity:

  • Welcomes members from different backgrounds and skill sets.

  • Encourages participation from various demographics, fostering a diverse and rich community culture.

Shared Vision and Values:

  • Members are united by a common goal or interest, whether it's the type of art, the technology’s potential, or the impact on a specific industry.

  • The community upholds values such as creativity, innovation, and mutual respect.

Education and Support:

  • There are resources available for new members to learn about NFTs and the specific project.

  • Experienced members and the founding team offer support and guidance to newcomers.


  • Power and decision-making processes are distributed among community members, not just centralized in the hands of a few.

  • Community governance models, like DAOs (Decentralized Autonomous Organizations), are often signs of a healthy community structure.

By nurturing these characteristics, an NFT community can thrive, attract new members, and foster a dynamic where both creators and collectors feel valued and motivated to participate.

Underlying principles and purposes of DAOs

Decentralization: DAOs are designed to eliminate centralized authority. Rather than having a single point of control, decision-making powers are spread across the membership.

Autonomy: DAOs are typically coded with smart contracts, which automatically execute certain actions when predefined conditions are met, reducing the need for human intermediaries and reducing the potential for manual error or manipulation.

Transparency: Every action, transaction, and its record is maintained on the blockchain, which is open for anyone to verify and audit, ensuring transparency within the organization.

Democratization of Decision-Making: Voting rights are usually distributed among stakeholders, which means that decisions are made by consensus or majority vote. This gives power to individual members rather than a centralized leadership.

Global Collaboration: DAOs can function without geographical limitations, allowing for global participation and collaboration on projects or investments.

Efficiency and Speed: By automating processes and utilizing blockchain technology, DAOs can operate more efficiently and execute decisions faster than traditional organizations.

Immutable Records: The blockchain provides an immutable record of all transactions and decisions, which can build trust and credibility among members.

Innovation in Management and Governance: DAOs can experiment with new models of governance and economic alignment, such as quadratic voting, liquid democracy, or reputation-based systems.

As for DAOs for consumer goods, these are DAOs that could potentially be involved in the production, funding, decision-making, and distribution of consumer goods. They are a more niche application of the DAO structure, aiming to reshape how consumer products are managed. Here are a few purposes and advantages of consumer goods DAOs:

Collective Ownership: Members might collectively own a brand or product line, influencing its development, marketing strategies, and sales channels.

Crowdsourcing and Collaboration: A DAO could allow for collaborative design and development of products, where consumers directly contribute to product features and improvements.

Supply Chain Transparency: By leveraging blockchain technology, a consumer goods DAO could promote full transparency in the supply chain, giving consumers and members clear visibility into the sourcing and manufacturing processes.

Consumer goods DAOs aim to disrupt traditional corporate practices by putting the power of decision-making and ownership into the hands of consumers and contributors, potentially leading to products and brands that are more closely aligned with the desires and values of their user base.

Spotlight of the Day

EmilyLazar.eth @EmilyLazar_SM

  • Amazing all around artist with a focus on music but has written content available and all sorts of good stuff.

  • available on many platforms and awesome mind for the space.

  • True OG with versatility and debate skills that does not disappoint.

  • Proud to be a friend and fan of Emily and would suggest notifications on and a definite follow.

  • Take your own rabbit hole leap and check out this great creator.

  • Congrats to Emily for spotlight of the day.






Thank you and Have a most wonderful rest of your week.

Born Bored/CK News and Updates News Letter
Born Bored/CK News and Updates News Letter Podcast
Our podcast is a vibrant hub for enthusiasts, creators, and dreamers in the realms of cutting-edge technology and Web3 art. Each episode is a journey into the heart of innovation, exploring the most exciting advancements and creative endeavors in the digital world.
Join us as we dive into the depths of Web3, unraveling its mysteries and showcasing how it's reshaping the art scene. From blockchain breakthroughs to NFT revolutions, we cover it all with a fun and engaging twist. Our community is a melting pot of ideas and inspirations, where you're not just a listener but an active participant, an "alpha" of your own story.
Whether you're a tech guru, an art aficionado, or someone who loves staying ahead of the curve, "Alpha Innovators" is your gateway to staying informed and inspired. With expert insights, lively discussions, and a touch of humor, we make the complex world of tech and art accessible and enjoyable.
So, plug in, power up, and prepare to be part of a community that's at the forefront of the digital revolution. Subscribe to "Alpha Innovators" and be the alpha of your own innovative journey!