Born Bored/CK News and Updates News Letter
Born Bored/CK News and Updates News Letter Podcast
CK News Podcast

CK News Podcast

Everything News, Tech, Art and Web3 : 07/27/2030 Thursday Kickoff

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Crypto bills pass congressional committee in ‘huge win’ for US crypto

NFT-optimized Palm Network to become a Polygon ZK Supernet

DOJ Doesn't 'Intend to Proceed' With Campaign Finance Charge Against Sam Bankman-Fried

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Says He Bought 14 Bitcoin for His Kids

Trading app Robinhood settles SEC charges for $65 million (note from CK:Robin hood made 1.3 billion last year alone, 1billion + the year befor that and 900 million the year before)

Fashion Brand MNTGE's New NFTs Unlock Physical Patches From Noted Artists

Suku May Beat Musk to Crypto Twitter Payment Adoption

Gitcoin's Layer 2 'Public Goods Network' goes live on mainnet

Worldcoin rebuts reports of lackluster takeup as Altman cites Japan queues

Meta’s Zuckerberg remains hopeful despite $3.7 billion metaverse loss in Q2 (comment from ck: Zuckerberg has made 120 billion from inception of FB for clarity)

Palm Foundation to Scale Its Native Network to Support NFT Minting and Trading

SEC passes new ‘conflict of interest’ rules governing how brokers can use AI

US senators Warren, Graham kick off bipartisan anti-Big Tech push

TikTok launches text-only posts to rival Elon Musk's Twitter

Netflix faces backlash from actors, writers after posting AI job that pays up to $900K: 'Turns my stomach’

How to use ChatGPT to learn SQL

Iconic Electronic Music Platform Beatport Launches NFT Marketplace on Polkadot

Want to Mine Bitcoin at Home? DIY Bitcoiners Have Stories to Share

Artificial Intelligence police van detects drivers using mobile phones

Reddit Launches More Polygon NFTs—After Already Minting 18 Million Avatars

Vera Molnár NFT Auction at Sotheby’s Generates $1.2 M. Total



Faivem Price 3.69 ꜩ$2.98 edition of 10


Rafael Spiff Price 10.00 ꜩ$8.06 1of1’s

Other Artist to checkout:

Dorthe's Joy of Creation : check out Dorthe wonderful work.

Saeed : Great artist to checkout.

A Creative Impasse

A message to a young mind

As we sail the sea of creativity, we occasionally encounter a seemingly impassable stretch of water.

The currents of invention run dry, and we find ourselves stranded, unsure of how to breathe life back into our creative voyages. But fear not, young explorer, this moment of stillness, this artistic standstill, is not a life sentence. It is a challenge to be embraced, a call to dig deeper and explore unfamiliar paths.

Now, you might be asking, "How do I navigate this seemingly unmapped territory?" To you, I present the compass of 'flow'. Popularized by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, a renowned psychologist, flow is the state of being entirely absorbed in a task, resulting in a heightened sense of focus and increased productivity. It is when we lose ourselves in our craft that we truly find our artistic voice.

Flow, though a simple concept, may seem elusive in times of creative stagnation. In these times, it's essential to return to the basics, to the simple joys that fuelled your creative journey in the first place. Immerse yourself in the world around you. Reconnect with nature, marvel at its intricacies, absorb the sights, the sounds, the smells, and let them fuel your imagination.

Embrace imperfection as a stepping stone towards perfection. Don't wait for the perfect idea or the perfect moment to start. Begin where you are, with what you have. Creativity is often born out of chaos, out of embracing the unknown. It's in these moments of discomfort that we often unearth our most profound ideas.

In this age of digital metamorphosis, remember that technology is a tool to aid your journey, not dictate it. The Web3 world, with its decentralized ethos and user-empowered principles, gives artists like us unprecedented creative freedom. We can now create, distribute, and monetize our work on our terms, independent of traditional gatekeepers. Harness this power, but don't let it consume your creative essence. Stay grounded in your artistry, true to your voice.

Collaborate, for creativity thrives on interaction. Expose yourself to different perspectives, learn from others, and use their insights to broaden your creative horizon. Remember, every interaction, every conversation, holds the potential to spark a creative revolution in your mind.

Take care of your physical well-being. Our minds and bodies are intimately linked, and neglecting one can impact the other. Regular exercise, balanced nutrition, and adequate rest can significantly improve your mental clarity, thereby aiding the flow state.

Remember, a creative standstill is not an end but a pause, an opportunity to explore and experiment. Every artistic journey has its ebbs and flows. It's in these ebbs, these moments of silence, that we gather our thoughts, our ideas, and when the flow returns, as it always does, we find ourselves more equipped, more inspired, to create.

Lastly, cultivate patience. Artistry, much like a fine wine, matures with time. The fruits of your creativity may not be immediate, but the seeds you sow today, nurtured with patience and persistence, will blossom into magnificent creations tomorrow.

Creativity is not a destination, young explorer, it is a journey. A journey filled with exciting turns, unexpected hurdles, and awe-inspiring vistas. Each standstill, each moment of pause, is a part of this journey. So, when you find yourself stranded, remember, you're not lost, you're merely resting, gathering strength for the adventure that lies ahead. The creative winds will pick up again, and when they do, you'll set sail, with a refreshed mind and a reinvigorated spirit, ready to conquer new artistic horizons.

I hope this will help and to anyone that would want to share this please print and give it out you people of all ages that might need a boost.

Hope this help Brody.

I wrote this for a young mind. Please go give him a follow and get to know.

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Reintroduction of the Blockchain Regulatory Certainty Act (BCRA)

As we saw this bill is in the works. Article above had complete info on the passing of it. I wanted to give a takeaway for readers.

  1. Bill Introduction: Majority Whip Tom Emmer and Representative Darren Soto reintroduced the Blockchain Regulatory Certainty Act (BCRA) in a bid to provide regulatory clarity to the blockchain and crypto industry.

  2. Defining Non-Money Transmitters: The bill clarifies that blockchain developers and service providers that do not take custody of consumer funds are not considered money transmitters. This distinction would shield these entities from certain regulatory requirements applicable to money transmitters.

  3. Addressing Regulatory Uncertainty: The BCRA aims to solve the ongoing issue of regulatory uncertainty that has hampered innovation and growth in the U.S. blockchain ecosystem. The bill intends to make the U.S. a more favorable environment for blockchain-related activities.

  4. Preventing Overseas Migration: Emmer expressed concerns that without such clarification, the blockchain industry may be driven overseas. The BCRA, thus, seeks to prevent the migration of blockchain developers and businesses to other jurisdictions with clearer regulatory environments.

  5. Bipartisan Support: The BCRA is a bipartisan bill, indicating that it has support from both major political parties. This support may improve its chances of passing into law.

  6. Endorsements from Industry Groups: The bill is endorsed by several major blockchain and crypto industry groups, including Coin Center, the Blockchain Association, the Chamber of Digital Commerce, and the Crypto Council. These groups believe that the BCRA will help protect innovation and promote growth in the blockchain and digital asset industry.

  7. State and Federal Legislation: The bill aims to resolve inconsistencies between state and federal legislation concerning the status of noncustodial blockchain entities as money transmitters.

  8. Previous Attempts: This is the fourth time Emmer has introduced the BCRA. Previous attempts to pass the bill have been unsuccessful, but with growing understanding and acceptance of blockchain technology, this iteration may stand a better chance.

Alpha Mindset and Mantra

Courageous Action, Resilience, and Gratitude

Embrace an alpha mindset of courageous action, resilience, and gratitude for this day.

Courageous Action: Today, be bold and take courageous action towards your goals and aspirations. Step outside your comfort zone and embrace challenges with determination. By daring to take action, you open doors to new opportunities and personal growth.

Resilience: Cultivate resilience in the face of adversity. Recognize that setbacks are part of the journey, and view them as opportunities for learning and improvement. Stay steadfast in your pursuit of success, and bounce back from challenges with a positive and determined attitude.

Gratitude: Practice gratitude for the blessings in your life. Take time to appreciate the people, experiences, and opportunities that contribute to your well-being. Gratitude can shift your perspective and bring a sense of contentment and joy to your day.

Number Science of 07/27/2023

The numerological representation of today's date is calculated by adding up all the digits and reducing it to a single digit: 0 + 7 + 2 + 7 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 3 = 23 2 + 3 = 5

The numerology of today's date is 5, which is associated with adaptability, freedom, and change.

Today is the 208th day of the year, with 157 days remaining in 2023.

Birthdays: Today marks the birthday of individuals born on July 27th. If it's your birthday, Happy Birthday!

Positive communities to connect with:

cryptocoffeepod.nft @CryptoCoffeePod ran by Jess @CryptoNCoffeee

If you're interested in learning about the latest developments in tech and web3, then you definitely don't want to miss out on these amazing spaces and podcasts. They're a great way to stay up-to-date with the most cutting-edge trends and ideas in the industry.

I highly recommend checking out the shows on Friday mornings, as well as any other times that they're available. You can find more information about these events by checking out their thread or following their social media accounts.


IRL Gallery + NFT Marketplace + Publication:

Great connector of the Art community. Go grab a membership for future drops. Growing and positive builder pushing forward the ethos

EverRise Community

I highly recommend EverRise to anyone looking to get involved in DeFi. Their platform is easy to use, secure, and offers a wide range of features and benefits that can help users maximize their investments. If you're looking to start building with EverRise today, you're making a wise choice that will surely pay off in the long run!

Thank you for reading and being here.

Stay Born Bored.

Be your own Alpha. -CK-

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Born Bored/CK News and Updates News Letter
Born Bored/CK News and Updates News Letter Podcast
Our podcast is a vibrant hub for enthusiasts, creators, and dreamers in the realms of cutting-edge technology and Web3 art. Each episode is a journey into the heart of innovation, exploring the most exciting advancements and creative endeavors in the digital world.
Join us as we dive into the depths of Web3, unraveling its mysteries and showcasing how it's reshaping the art scene. From blockchain breakthroughs to NFT revolutions, we cover it all with a fun and engaging twist. Our community is a melting pot of ideas and inspirations, where you're not just a listener but an active participant, an "alpha" of your own story.
Whether you're a tech guru, an art aficionado, or someone who loves staying ahead of the curve, "Alpha Innovators" is your gateway to staying informed and inspired. With expert insights, lively discussions, and a touch of humor, we make the complex world of tech and art accessible and enjoyable.
So, plug in, power up, and prepare to be part of a community that's at the forefront of the digital revolution. Subscribe to "Alpha Innovators" and be the alpha of your own innovative journey!