Born Bored/CK News and Updates News Letter
Born Bored/CK News and Updates News Letter Podcast
CK News Podcast: 12/26/2023 Tuesday

CK News Podcast: 12/26/2023 Tuesday

Born Bored Media Production: Everything News, Web3, Tech and Art. Bringing you information to turn you into your own Alpha.

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December 26, 2023

Embrace Renewal, Cultivate Inner Strength, and Inspire Growth

Number Science: Numerology - 6 (Harmony, Balance, Nurturing)

On this December 26, 2023, let us adopt an alpha mindset that encourages us to embrace renewal, cultivate inner strength, and inspire growth. Embrace the opportunity for renewal and fresh beginnings in various aspects of your life. Cultivate inner strength by recognizing your resilience and adaptability in the face of challenges. Inspire growth, both in yourself and others, by fostering an environment of harmony, balance, and nurturing.

The numerology of 6 signifies harmony, balance, and nurturing. Use this energy to create harmonious relationships, balance your life, and nurture your well-being.

With this alpha mindset and the influence of numerology, may we approach December 26, 2023, with a sense of rejuvenation, inner strength, and a commitment to inspiring growth and balance, making it a day of personal renewal, resilience, and meaningful connections with others.

The Power of Incremental Progress

How Small Improvements Lead to Big Results

In a world where instant results and dramatic success stories often grab the spotlight, the transformative power of small, incremental improvements frequently goes unnoticed. However, the philosophy of making minor, consistent changes over time has proven to be a potent strategy for achieving long-term goals and sustainable growth, both in personal and professional realms.

The Principle of Marginal Gains The concept of marginal gains revolves around the idea that improving just 1% in various areas can lead to significant overall improvement. This approach, popularized by British Cycling's performance director, Dave Brailsford, emphasizes the cumulative effect of minor enhancements. By focusing on small, manageable changes, individuals and organizations can avoid the overwhelm that often accompanies the pursuit of ambitious goals.

Real-Life Success Stories

  • British Cycling: Under Brailsford's guidance, British cyclists achieved unprecedented success, including numerous Olympic gold medals and Tour de France victories, by focusing on 1% improvements in everything from nutrition to bike maintenance.

  • Japanese Kaizen: This philosophy, integral to Japanese manufacturing, encourages continuous improvement through small, consistent changes. It has been a key factor behind the high efficiency and quality of products in industries like automotive and electronics.

Applications in Personal Development

  • Habit Formation: Small habits, such as reading for 10 minutes a day or doing a five-minute workout, can lead to substantial personal growth over time.

  • Financial Savings: Regularly saving small amounts of money can accumulate into significant wealth due to the power of compound interest.

Overcoming the Plateau of Latent Potential James Clear, in his book "Atomic Habits", discusses the 'Plateau of Latent Potential'. This concept suggests that progress often feels slow at first and may not show immediate results. However, consistent efforts eventually lead to a critical point where the benefits of small improvements become conspicuously apparent.

Challenges and Strategies While the approach of incremental improvement is powerful, it requires patience and perseverance. Strategies like setting clear goals, tracking progress, and celebrating small wins can help maintain motivation.

The philosophy of making small, incremental improvements over time is a testament to the adage, "slow and steady wins the race". In an age of rapid change and instant gratification, embracing this principle can lead to profound, sustainable success and personal growth.

Your surroundings

Can significantly influence your attitude and mindset in various ways.

Key aspects

Physical Environment: The physical characteristics of your environment, like cleanliness, organization, natural light, and colors, can affect your mood and productivity. For instance, a cluttered, dimly lit space may contribute to feelings of stress or lethargy, whereas a clean, well-lit environment might boost your mood and energy levels.

Social Environment: The people around you can greatly impact your mindset. Being surrounded by supportive, positive individuals can motivate you and foster a positive outlook. Conversely, being around negative or toxic people can lead to stress and a pessimistic attitude.

Cultural Environment: The cultural setting in which you live can shape your beliefs, values, and behavior. Different cultures have varying norms and values, which can influence your mindset in terms of openness, tolerance, and understanding of different perspectives.

Natural Environment: Proximity to nature and green spaces can improve mental health and well being. Natural environments like parks, forests, or beaches can provide a sense of calm, reduce stress, and improve concentration.

Work Environment: The culture, ethos, and physical setup of your workplace can affect your job satisfaction, stress levels, and overall attitude towards work. A collaborative, respectful work culture can enhance productivity and positivity, while a toxic work environment can lead to dissatisfaction and a negative mindset.

Home Environment: Your home environment, including its physical layout, decor, and the presence of family or roommates, plays a crucial role in your daily mood and attitude. A harmonious, personalized home space can provide comfort and stability.

Digital Environment: In the modern world, the digital space you engage with (like social media, online communities, etc.) can also affect your mindset. Positive, inspiring online content can uplift you, while constant exposure to negative news or toxic online interactions can contribute to stress and negativity.

Each of these aspects of your environment interacts with your personal traits and experiences, shaping your overall attitude and mindset. Being aware of these influences allows you to make changes that can lead to a more positive and productive mindset.

The last full moon of the year 2023

Occurring in the sign of Cancer, is set for December 26 at 7:33 PM EST. This astrological event brings with it a powerful opportunity for emotional release and introspection, especially in areas related to home, family, and personal comfort. During this time, it's an ideal period for clearing up past patterns that may have been hindering personal fulfillment, particularly those revolving around the balance between work and home life, and attitudes towards comfort and responsibility.

This full moon in Cancer, known as the Wolf Moon, is in harmonious aspect with Jupiter and Saturn, suggesting a time ripe for productivity and growth. Despite a focus on the past, the revelations and insights gained during this period are likely to be pivotal and geared towards growth. The full moon's position at 4 degrees and 58 minutes of Cancer, opposite the Sun in Capricorn, makes it especially significant for those with personal planets and points at approximately 1 to 9 degrees of the Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn).

Emotionally, this full moon emphasizes the need to navigate our feelings and connections with others. It's a time to be open and authentic, allowing ourselves to be seen and to explore the full range of our emotions. However, there's a caution against getting caught up in drama, as aspects involving retrograde Mercury and Neptune suggest a tendency towards misunderstandings, deceptions, and heightened emotional responses.

Jupiter's influence during this time adds a hopeful and joyous element, encouraging us to find appreciation in our relationships and to consider replacing toxic dynamics with healthier ones. This period may also bring up childhood memories and nostalgia, offering a chance to reconnect with old friends and acknowledge the positive influences from our past.

Overall, the Cancer full moon is a moment for emotional, mental, and spiritual restoration. It invites us to prioritize our emotional well-being, engage in home improvement projects, indulge in comforting activities like cooking, and share time with loved ones, creating a nurturing and healing space as the year draws to a close.

Spotlight of the Day

xlxl.eth @Mallorca_1

  • Wonderful artist, DEFI mind, connector and overall good contributor of the space

  • knowledgeable in the defi area and good connection

  • great engager and someone who would be good to have on your list of go to for info for defi in Tezos space

  • We would suggest notifications on for and a follow

  • Congrats to xixi.eth for Spotlight of the day.




Price 4.00 ꜩ$4.03



Price 1.00 ꜩ$0.98

Happy Taco Tuesday

Have a most wonderful end of your Year.

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Born Bored/CK News and Updates News Letter
Born Bored/CK News and Updates News Letter Podcast
Our podcast is a vibrant hub for enthusiasts, creators, and dreamers in the realms of cutting-edge technology and Web3 art. Each episode is a journey into the heart of innovation, exploring the most exciting advancements and creative endeavors in the digital world.
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Whether you're a tech guru, an art aficionado, or someone who loves staying ahead of the curve, "Alpha Innovators" is your gateway to staying informed and inspired. With expert insights, lively discussions, and a touch of humor, we make the complex world of tech and art accessible and enjoyable.
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