Born Bored/CK News and Updates News Letter
Born Bored/CK News and Updates News Letter Podcast
CK News Podcast: 11/23/2023 Thursday

CK News Podcast: 11/23/2023 Thursday

Born Bored Media Production: Everything News, Web3, Tech and Art. Bringing you information to turn you into your own Alpha.

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Our content is not professional advice - always consult with a professional. All podcast content is owned by, unauthorized use is prohibited. Information shared is accurate to the best of our knowledge at the time of recording; we are not responsible for any errors or future inaccuracies.


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November 23, 2023

Embrace Gratitude, Cultivate Inner Strength, and Share Joy

"I embrace gratitude, nurture inner strength, and share joy."

Number Science: Numerology - 2 (Harmony, Cooperation, Balance)

On this November 23, 2023, let us adopt an alpha mindset that encourages us to embrace gratitude, nurture inner strength, and share joy. Embrace the practice of gratitude for the blessings in your life, both big and small. Cultivate inner resilience by recognizing your strength and adaptability. Share joy, positivity, and laughter with those around you, creating a harmonious and joyful environment.

The numerology of 2 signifies harmony, cooperation, and balance. Use this energy to build harmonious relationships and promote cooperation.

With this alpha mindset, mantra, and the influence of numerology, may we approach November 23, 2023, with a sense of thankfulness, inner strength, and a commitment to spreading joy and harmony, making it a day of gratitude, resilience, and joyful connections with others.

Importance of Self-Belief and Self-Esteem

Boosts Creativity: Belief in oneself fuels creativity. Artists with high self-esteem are more likely to experiment and take creative risks.

Enhances Resilience: The artistic journey is often filled with setbacks. Strong self-belief helps in bouncing back from failures.

Facilitates Authentic Expression: Artists with high self-esteem are more likely to produce work that is true to their vision, unswayed by external opinions.

Improves Mental Health: Self-esteem is linked to lower levels of anxiety and depression, common challenges among creative professionals.

Strengthens Perseverance: Believing in oneself can lead to greater perseverance in the face of challenges and long-term projects.

Steps to Improve Self-Belief and Self-Esteem

Positive Affirmations: Regularly practicing positive self-talk can reshape your mindset and boost self-belief.

Set Achievable Goals: Setting and accomplishing small goals can build confidence in your abilities.

Mindfulness and Meditation: These practices can reduce negative thoughts and increase self-awareness, leading to improved self-esteem.

Seek Constructive Feedback: Engage with peers or mentors who provide constructive criticism, helping you grow and affirm your skills.

Reflect on Past Successes: Regularly remind yourself of your past achievements and successful projects.

Limit Comparison: Avoid constantly comparing your work to others. Focus on your unique voice and journey.

Embrace Failures as Learning Opportunities: Understand that failure is a part of the creative process and use it as a tool for growth.

Engage in Continuous Learning: Improving your skills through workshops, courses, or self-study can enhance your self-esteem.

Practice Self-Compassion: Be kind to yourself, especially during creative blocks or challenging times.

Visualize Success: Regular visualization of achieving your goals can reinforce self-belief and motivation.

By incorporating these practices into your daily routine, you can gradually build a stronger sense of self-belief and self-esteem, which are essential for a fulfilling and successful artistic journey.

Introducing your local community to your art and the world of web3

Introducing your local community to your art and the world of web3 requires a strategic and multifaceted approach.

Some Ideas to try for yourself:

Host Local Art Exhibitions or Events: Organize art exhibitions in local galleries or community centers. This not only showcases your art but also provides a platform for discussing web3. Include interactive sessions about web3 technologies like blockchain and NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens), explaining how they relate to the art world.

Educational Workshops and Seminars: Conduct workshops or seminars on web3 and its relevance to the art industry. Cover topics like creating digital art, minting NFTs, and the basics of cryptocurrencies. These sessions can be tailored to various skill levels, from beginners to those more familiar with the technology.

Collaborate with Local Artists and Tech Experts: Partner with other local artists who are interested in or are already working with web3. Bringing in tech experts for these collaborations can provide a more comprehensive understanding and bridge the gap between art and technology.

Use Social Media and Online Platforms: Leverage social media to promote your art and educate your community about web3. Platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook are great for sharing your artwork and information about web3. You can also create tutorials, blogs, or videos explaining web3 concepts in an easy-to-understand way.

Participate in Community Events: Get involved in local fairs, markets, and festivals where you can display your art and engage with the community. Use these opportunities to talk about how web3 technology is changing the art world.

Create a Web3-Friendly Website: Develop a website that not only showcases your art but also includes educational resources about web3. You can include FAQs, articles, and links to helpful resources.

Develop Interactive Experiences: Create augmented reality (AR) experiences or virtual galleries that people can access through their smartphones or computers. This tech-forward approach can intrigue people about the possibilities of digital art and web3.

Offer Limited Edition NFTs: Mint your artwork as NFTs and offer them to the local community, possibly at special rates or with special benefits. This hands-on experience can serve as a practical introduction to web3.

Networking Events: Organize or attend networking events that bring together artists, tech enthusiasts, and local community members. This can foster discussions and collaborations.

Community Projects and Public Art: Engage in community projects or public art initiatives that incorporate elements of digital art and web3, helping to raise awareness and interest.

Remember, the key is to educate and engage in a way that is accessible and intriguing. Combining the presentation of your art with the technology behind web3 can create a compelling narrative for your local community.

Living with ADHD Without Meds

A Practical Guide for Adults

Understanding ADHD in Adulthood

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) isn't just a childhood condition; it's a lifelong journey for many. In adults, it manifests as challenges in focus, organization, impulsivity, and managing time. Recognizing these symptoms is the first step towards effective management.

Behavioral Strategies

Creating a structured daily routine can significantly help in managing ADHD. Utilize calendars and reminders for tasks, break down large projects into manageable steps, and set achievable goals. Consistency in routine is key to creating a framework that reduces the chaos that ADHD can bring.

Mindfulness and Stress Reduction

Mindfulness practices like meditation and yoga are excellent for reducing stress and improving concentration. These techniques can help in calming the mind, making it easier to focus on the present moment. Incorporating short mindfulness exercises into your daily routine can have long-term benefits.

Exercise and Diet

Physical activity is incredibly beneficial for managing ADHD symptoms. Regular exercise, especially activities that require focus like martial arts or yoga, can improve concentration and reduce impulsivity. A balanced diet, limiting sugar and caffeine, can also help stabilize energy levels and improve focus.

Sleep Hygiene

Sleep is crucial in managing ADHD. Establish a regular sleep schedule and ensure your sleeping environment is conducive to rest. Avoid stimulants like caffeine before bed, and create a pre-sleep routine to signal to your body that it's time to wind down.

Support Systems

Having a support system is vital. This can include friends, family, or ADHD support groups. Sharing experiences and strategies with others who understand can be incredibly validating and helpful.

Professional Help

Though this guide focuses on managing without medication, seeking professional help is still important. Therapies such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) can offer skills and strategies to cope with ADHD symptoms effectively.

Workplace Adjustments

In the workplace, use lists and reminders to keep track of tasks. Prioritize your workload and communicate with your employer about your needs. Simple adjustments, like a quieter workspace, can significantly improve your work performance.

Time Management Techniques

Use timers to keep track of how long tasks take, and prioritize your tasks effectively. Learning to say no to additional commitments can also be a valuable skill in managing your time and energy.

Personal Stories and Examples

Hearing from others who have navigated ADHD without medication can be inspiring. These stories can provide practical tips and a sense of community.

Living with ADHD as an adult without medication is challenging but manageable with the right strategies. By understanding your symptoms, implementing behavioral strategies, and seeking support, you can lead a productive and fulfilling life.

Remember, every small step you take towards managing your ADHD is a victory.

Spotlight of the Day

Anonymous Nobody @AFuckingNobody

  • OG artist in the space.

  • great connector and educator if you follow along

  • legend status as far as what he has accomplished

  • one of the real ones that does not shy away from a good debate

  • around making art since 2020

  • one of the fist people i met in the space

  • Notifacations on for and follow for sure

Link Tree:



Petra Voice

Dorthe's Joy of Creation


Dear Valued Readers,

As the festive season of Thanksgiving is here, I find myself reflecting on the countless reasons I have to be grateful. Among the most significant of these is the unwavering support and engagement from you, our cherished readers.

This journey at Born Bored Media, spearheaded by my efforts, has been one of organic growth and shared experiences. Each article, story, and discussion has been a stepping stone in building a community that thrives on curiosity and a passion for exploring the unexplored.

Your enthusiasm and feedback have been the driving force behind our content. It has shaped our narrative and fueled our commitment to deliver thought-provoking and engaging material. Your participation in our discussions, whether through comments, shares, or personal messages, has not only enriched our platform but has also fostered a sense of belonging for all of us.

As we gather with our loved ones this Thanksgiving, I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to each one of you. Your support is not just a testament to our work but also a vital ingredient in our continued success. It is you, our readers, who transform our efforts into a meaningful and impactful venture.

Looking ahead, I am filled with excitement and anticipation for what the future holds for CK News and Born Bored Media. With your continued support, I am confident that we will keep exploring new horizons, sharing captivating stories, and fostering a community that is both informed and inspired.

Thank you for being a part of our journey. May this Thanksgiving bring you joy, warmth, and plenty of reasons to be thankful.

Warm regards,



Born Bored Media, CK News, Chart Education


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Born Bored/CK News and Updates News Letter
Born Bored/CK News and Updates News Letter Podcast
Our podcast is a vibrant hub for enthusiasts, creators, and dreamers in the realms of cutting-edge technology and Web3 art. Each episode is a journey into the heart of innovation, exploring the most exciting advancements and creative endeavors in the digital world.
Join us as we dive into the depths of Web3, unraveling its mysteries and showcasing how it's reshaping the art scene. From blockchain breakthroughs to NFT revolutions, we cover it all with a fun and engaging twist. Our community is a melting pot of ideas and inspirations, where you're not just a listener but an active participant, an "alpha" of your own story.
Whether you're a tech guru, an art aficionado, or someone who loves staying ahead of the curve, "Alpha Innovators" is your gateway to staying informed and inspired. With expert insights, lively discussions, and a touch of humor, we make the complex world of tech and art accessible and enjoyable.
So, plug in, power up, and prepare to be part of a community that's at the forefront of the digital revolution. Subscribe to "Alpha Innovators" and be the alpha of your own innovative journey!