Born Bored/CK News and Updates News Letter
Born Bored/CK News and Updates News Letter Podcast
CK News Hump day edition 07/19/2023

CK News Hump day edition 07/19/2023

Everything News, Tech, Web3 and Art

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Our content is not professional advice - always consult with a professional. All podcast content is owned by, unauthorized use is prohibited. Information shared is accurate to the best of our knowledge at the time of recording; we are not responsible for any errors or future inaccuracies.


'Neopets' Cancels NFT Game After Raising Money From Polygon, Avalanche

AI opens doors for NFT artist Ellie Pritts at Bitforms gallery in NYC

Interest in Blur craters as NFT enthusiasts return to OpenSea

Vitalik Buterin becomes NFT

starting at 333 eth on manifold : link to :

Republican Lawmakers Criticize SEC Over Timing of Actions 'For Maximum Publicity' Adds Reddit’s Moons Token as Kraken Listing Rumor Fades

Societe Generale Becomes First Company to Win French Crypto License

‘Deadbots’ can speak for you after your death. Is that ethical?

How AI is bringing film stars back from the dead

AI prodigy warns lawmakers on China’s ambitions: ‘AI is China’s Apollo Project’

Jackson Pollock NFTs Make $100K in Sales Within One Day

DeviantArt’s Decision to Label AI Images Creates a Vicious Debate Among Artists and Users (I disagree with this and feel “who is anyone to set precedent on a free market”)

AI art’s hidden echo chamber is about to implode. Here’s what that will look like (again i disagree, but would love the chance to debate it)

Italy Seeks Legal Return of Seven Louvre Artifacts

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Extended Reality (XR)

What is Extended Reality (XR)?

Extended Reality (XR) is like a big umbrella under which you find things like Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), and Mixed Reality (MR).

Think of VR as putting on a headset that takes you into a different, totally virtual world. With VR, you can look around, pick up objects, and walk around in this digital place. It's like being in a video game!

AR is when you look through a device, like your phone or special glasses, and see digital stuff mixed with the real world. It's like when you play Pokemon Go and see a Pikachu on your kitchen table.

MR combines VR and AR. It lets you see and interact with virtual objects while still being aware of the real world around you. This is done through special headsets or glasses.

How does Extended Reality work?

The way XR works depends on whether it's VR, AR, or MR.

With VR, you put on a headset. The headset tracks where you're looking and changes the images you see to match. This makes you feel like you're actually in the virtual world.

AR works by using your phone or AR glasses to show you the real world with digital things added. The camera and sensors in the device track where it's pointed, and software adds in digital things like images or text.

MR combines both of these. The headset maps out the real world around you and adds digital objects. This lets you interact with both the real and digital worlds at the same time.

What are the benefits of Extended Reality?

XR can make experiences feel really immersive, like you're actually there. It's great for making training and education more engaging.

In industries like manufacturing and healthcare, XR helps people visualize complex things, work together remotely, and prototype designs virtually.

And for people with disabilities, XR can create more accessible experiences, with different ways of communicating and interacting.

What are the challenges of Extended Reality?

Like all technology, XR has its hurdles. First, it needs powerful and expensive hardware and software to work well.

Some people might feel sick or uncomfortable after using it for a long time. Also, making content for XR is tough and requires skills in 3D design and animation.

Another issue is getting different XR devices and platforms to work well together. And finally, there are privacy and ethical concerns because XR collects and uses lots of user data.

Is the metaverse a type of Extended Reality?

The metaverse is a concept of a virtual universe that's made up of many different VR and AR experiences. It's like a big digital playground where you can meet people, visit places, and do things. While XR is the technology that helps create these experiences, the metaverse is a larger idea of a completely digital universe with its own rules and systems.

20 minutes is the Key

When faced with exhaustion and weariness, it can often feel like an insurmountable task to continue or find motivation. However, there is a remarkable phenomenon that occurs when we allow ourselves a mere 20 minutes of focused time: we enter a state of flow. In this state, our minds become attuned, and our energy begins to rejuvenate. What once seemed overwhelming transforms into a manageable endeavor, and our passion reignites.

The power of the 20-minute mark lies in its ability to bridge the gap between weariness and renewed vigor. It serves as a catalyst, propelling us forward and unlocking our full potential. Whether it's a challenging task, a creative pursuit, or even a personal goal, dedicating just 20 minutes can initiate a profound shift in our mindset.

During these precious moments, distractions dissipate, and our attention becomes laser-focused. The passage of time becomes inconsequential as we immerse ourselves in the present. Our concentration deepens, and our productivity soars. It is as if we have tapped into a hidden reserve of energy and inspiration, fueling our endeavors with unwavering dedication.

Moreover, the mere act of starting ignites a chain reaction of momentum. The initial resistance dissolves, making way for a surge of enthusiasm and motivation. What once felt like an arduous climb now transforms into a captivating journey. As we push through the first few minutes, barriers crumble, and we find ourselves effortlessly flowing from one task to the next.

But it is essential to remember that this transformative experience hinges on a deliberate commitment to those initial 20 minutes. It requires us to set aside distractions, to silence the noise, and to honor the time we have allocated for ourselves. With each passing minute, we grow more immersed in our pursuit, and the world around us fades away. The outside pressures and demands lose their grip as we connect deeply with our inner drive.

The beauty of the 20-minute flow lies not only in its effectiveness but also in its accessibility. In our fast-paced lives, finding a spare hour or a whole afternoon can seem impossible. However, everyone can carve out a mere 20 minutes from their day. It is a small, but significant commitment to ourselves and our growth.

So, the next time you find yourself tired, overwhelmed, or lacking motivation, remember the power of the 20-minute flow. Give yourself permission to dive in, to immerse yourself fully, and witness the remarkable transformation that unfolds. Within those 20 minutes, you will discover a wellspring of energy, creativity, and accomplishment. Embrace the flow and let it carry you toward your aspirations.


Dream Nodes

By: Hannah Polza Oko-Avi Jumu Hypnopompicae

Price 5.00 ꜩ$4.18 edition of 10


Layers of Noise

By : </Brut> Rafael Spiff available on fxhash for 2.4 tez

Today's Alpha Mindset

Embrace Challenges as Opportunities for Growth.

Today's Mantra: I am resilient, capable, and ready to face any challenge that comes my way.

Every obstacle is an opportunity for me to learn, grow, and become stronger. I am fully committed to my personal and professional development, and I embrace the discomfort that comes with pushing beyond my limits. With determination and perseverance, I will overcome any obstacle and achieve greatness. Today, I am unstoppable.

Movie recommendation of the 90’s

"Die Hard with a Vengeance" (1995)

This action thriller film directed by John McTiernan and starring Bruce Willis was released on July 15, 1995. It is the third installment in the popular "Die Hard" series.

Positive communities to connect with:

cryptocoffeepod.nft @CryptoCoffeePod ran by Jess @CryptoNCoffeee

If you're interested in learning about the latest developments in tech and web3, then you definitely don't want to miss out on these amazing spaces and podcasts. They're a great way to stay up-to-date with the most cutting-edge trends and ideas in the industry.

I highly recommend checking out the shows on Friday mornings, as well as any other times that they're available. You can find more information about these events by checking out their thread or following their social media accounts.


IRL Gallery + NFT Marketplace + Publication:

Great connector of the Art community. Go grab a membership for future drops. Growing and positive builder pushing forward the ethos

EverRise Community

I highly recommend EverRise to anyone looking to get involved in DeFi. Their platform is easy to use, secure, and offers a wide range of features and benefits that can help users maximize their investments. If you're looking to start building with EverRise today, you're making a wise choice that will surely pay off in the long run!

Thank you to all that support.

I wish you a wonderful day of wins and joy. Let’s always strive to change the narrative and not go back to the ways of the old cause it is the only way we know how. This is a time to change and learn and change.

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Born Bored/CK News and Updates News Letter
Born Bored/CK News and Updates News Letter Podcast
Our podcast is a vibrant hub for enthusiasts, creators, and dreamers in the realms of cutting-edge technology and Web3 art. Each episode is a journey into the heart of innovation, exploring the most exciting advancements and creative endeavors in the digital world.
Join us as we dive into the depths of Web3, unraveling its mysteries and showcasing how it's reshaping the art scene. From blockchain breakthroughs to NFT revolutions, we cover it all with a fun and engaging twist. Our community is a melting pot of ideas and inspirations, where you're not just a listener but an active participant, an "alpha" of your own story.
Whether you're a tech guru, an art aficionado, or someone who loves staying ahead of the curve, "Alpha Innovators" is your gateway to staying informed and inspired. With expert insights, lively discussions, and a touch of humor, we make the complex world of tech and art accessible and enjoyable.
So, plug in, power up, and prepare to be part of a community that's at the forefront of the digital revolution. Subscribe to "Alpha Innovators" and be the alpha of your own innovative journey!