Born Bored/CK News and Updates News Letter
Born Bored/CK News and Updates News Letter Podcast
CK News: 06/26/2023

CK News: 06/26/2023

CK News and Chart Edu. Presents Monday News


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The information provided in this is for educational and informational purposes only and should not be construed as professional financial or legal advice. The topics discussed in this article are subject to rapid change and may not be accurate or relevant at the time of reading.

Readers should conduct their own research and seek the advice of qualified professionals before making any financial decisions or investments. The authors and publishers of this are not responsible for any losses, damages, or legal issues that may arise as a result of using the information presented.



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Crypto investment products see largest week of inflows in a year

NEAR Foundation Partners With Alibaba Cloud to Accelerate Web3 Growth in Asia

Hermès to permanently ban 'MetaBirkin' NFT sales following US lawsuit

OnlyFans creator switches to Web3 alternative, Only1

Japan tax code now exempts crypto issuers from paying on unrealized gains: CoinDesk

$794K SIM swap hacker PlugwalkJoe sentenced to 5 years in prison

Christie’s Is Selling Mind-Bending NFTs by Artists Mad Dog Jones, Nadya Tolokonnikova, and More to Benefit Psychedelic Research

Banksy-Like Street Art Popped Up in Glasgow Just After an Official Show of His Work Opened in the City. The Artist Says They’re Fakes

Azuki Expands With New 20K Ethereum NFT Collection, Elementals

Riot inks MicroBT deal to build bitcoin miners in US — not China

HSBC Hong Kong now lets customers trade bitcoin and ether ETFs

ChatGPT plugin goes live for Hedera network

Binance reverses decision to delist privacy coins in Europe

Crypto adoption in Cyprus beefed up by Bybit license approval

Coin prices:

Bitcoin BTC $30,175.07

Ethereum ETH $1,861.17

Tezos XTZ $0.801813

Art Drops

Empowerment Masterpiece #2

Barcelona Football Club and World of Women have collaborated to host a 1/1 auction on June 26 at 10 a.m. ET on OpenSea.

This partnership aims to continue the success of their Masterpiece NFT series and celebrate a significant moment in the club's history, as well as honor the exceptional athlete, Alexia Putellas, who has made a remarkable impact on the world of football. The upcoming release will feature a unique NFT that pays tribute to both the pivotal moment and the extraordinary talent, further solidifying their commitment to showcasing and preserving the legacy of women's football.

Azuki Elementals

Azuki, a notable entity, is preparing to launch their Azuki Elementals collection consisting of 20,000 PFPs (Profile Picture NFTs).

The release date is scheduled for June 27, with the exact time to be announced. The specific platform where the collection will be available will be revealed through Azuki's Twitter account. Azuki Elementals is the highly-anticipated sister collection to the original Azuki NFTs, which debuted in January 2022 with a set of 10,000 NFTs. The new collection introduces four distinct "domains" and rarity tiers. Additionally, both Azuki and Beanz holders will enjoy exclusive presale access at 9 a.m. PT on June 27 before the public release. This launch aims to captivate and engage the community, building upon the success and enthusiasm generated by the original Azuki NFT project.

The Working Dead

The Working Dead is a project that aims to revolutionize the learning and creative landscape in the Web3 space.

Their debut collection consists of 10,000 PFP (Profile Picture) NFTs, and the public sale for these NFTs is scheduled to take place on June 29 at 8:30 a.m. ET. The sale will be hosted on the popular NFT marketplace, OpenSea. The Working Dead collection holds a special distinction as a "notable collection" on the platform, indicating its unique and noteworthy status. This project represents the initial step towards the development of a cross-chain Web3 learning platform that seeks to empower and support the creators of the future. Having been first released on June 15, this new phase of minting and the collaboration with OpenSea further propel The Working Dead's mission to bring innovation and empowerment to the Web3 community.


Non-fungible Token Bound Accounts

Empowering ERC-721 Tokens: Unlocking New Possibilities

Introduction: In the world of digital assets, ERC-721 tokens have gained popularity for their uniqueness and various applications. However, these tokens have been limited in their ability to own assets and interact with other parts of the blockchain. A new proposal called "Token Bound Accounts" aims to change that. Let's explore how this proposal can empower ERC-721 tokens and open up new opportunities.

The Need for Enhancement: ERC-721 tokens have unique identifiers, making them like on-chain identities. But unlike real-world assets, these tokens cannot perform actions or connect with other blockchain elements. This proposal recognizes this limitation and seeks to give ERC-721 tokens the full capabilities of Ethereum accounts.

Introducing Token Bound Accounts: Token bound accounts are a solution that provides smart contract accounts for each ERC-721 token. These accounts allow the tokens to own assets and interact with applications without requiring any changes to existing ERC-721 contracts or infrastructure.

A Permissionless Registry: To implement token bound accounts, a permissionless registry is created. This registry acts as a central hub for deploying these accounts. It allows projects to create token bound accounts for their ERC-721 tokens and provides a way to determine the account address for a specific token.

Deploying Token Bound Accounts: Token bound accounts are deployed as special types of smart contracts known as ERC-1167 minimal proxies. These proxies are created using a specific bytecode structure and additional information such as the implementation address, token contract address, token ID, and more. This ensures that each token bound account is unique and can be easily identified.

Benefits and Compatibility: The introduction of token bound accounts brings several advantages. It enables ERC-721 tokens to own assets, interact with applications, and leverage existing infrastructure without any disruptions. It also provides a way to securely transfer assets to token owners without needing to know their specific addresses.

The proposal emphasizes compatibility with existing ERC-721 contracts, ensuring that they can seamlessly integrate token bound accounts. This means that developers do not need to make any changes to their already deployed contracts.

Token bound accounts offer an exciting advancement for ERC-721 tokens. By granting them the ability to own assets and interact with applications, these tokens can explore new use cases and expand their functionality. With a permissionless registry and a focus on compatibility, token bound accounts pave the way for a more vibrant and interconnected non-fungible token ecosystem.

Security Considerations

The introduction of token bound accounts brings new possibilities for ERC-721 tokens, but it's essential to address potential security concerns. While the proposal provides a foundation for secure implementation, specific security measures should be considered by marketplace developers and application clients. Let's explore two important aspects: fraud prevention and ownership cycles.

  1. Fraud Prevention: Token bound accounts open the door to trustless sales and transfers of assets. However, decentralized marketplaces must implement safeguards to prevent fraudulent behavior by malicious account owners. Here are some strategies to consider:

a. Nonce Verification: Attach the current token bound account nonce to marketplace orders. If the nonce changes after placing an order, consider the offer void. This functionality requires support at the marketplace level.

b. Asset Commitments: Include a list of committed assets with the marketplace order. If any of these assets are removed from the token bound account before the order is fulfilled, consider the offer void. The marketplace needs to implement this feature.

c. Smart Contract Validation: Submit orders to the decentralized market via an external smart contract. This contract can perform the above checks before validating the order signature, ensuring safe transfers without relying solely on marketplace support.

d. Account Locking: Implement a locking mechanism on token bound account implementations to prevent malicious owners from extracting assets while locked.

It's important to note that preventing fraud is a complex task and may require additional measures beyond the scope of this proposal. Collaboration between marketplace developers, application clients, and smart contract auditors is crucial for building robust security mechanisms.

  1. Ownership Cycles: Ownership cycles occur when an ERC-721 token is transferred to its own token bound account, rendering both the token and the assets within the account inaccessible. Preventing ownership cycles on-chain is challenging due to the infinite search space required. Therefore, application clients and account implementations adopting this proposal should implement measures to limit the possibility of ownership cycles. These measures might include thorough validation checks and user interface guidance to prevent accidental ownership cycle scenarios.

While the proposal provides a framework for secure token bound accounts, the responsibility for implementing specific security measures lies with marketplace developers and application clients. Addressing fraud prevention and ownership cycles requires collaboration, careful planning, and robust implementation strategies. By prioritizing security considerations, the token bound account system can provide a safe and reliable environment for ERC-721 tokens to flourish.

The proposal for token bound accounts aims to enhance ERC-721 tokens by providing them with smart contract accounts, allowing them to own assets and interact with applications.

The key takeaway points:

  1. Empowering ERC-721 Tokens: Token bound accounts enable ERC-721 tokens to act as on-chain identities, owning assets and participating in various applications, similar to real-world non-fungible assets.

  2. Compatibility and Backwards Compatibility: The proposal ensures compatibility with existing ERC-721 contracts, allowing token bound accounts to be seamlessly integrated without modifications to deployed contracts. It also emphasizes maintaining backwards compatibility with earlier non-fungible token contracts.

  3. Permissionless Registry and Deployment: A permissionless registry is established as a central hub for deploying token bound accounts. This registry enables projects to create accounts for their ERC-721 tokens and provides a mechanism to compute the account addresses. Token bound accounts are deployed as ERC-1167 minimal proxies with specific bytecode structure and appended data.

  4. Benefits of Token Bound Accounts: These accounts offer ERC-721 tokens the full capabilities of Ethereum accounts, including asset ownership, interaction with applications, and leveraging existing infrastructure. They also facilitate secure asset transfers to token owners without requiring their specific addresses.

  5. Security Considerations: While the proposal addresses security concerns such as fraud prevention and ownership cycles, the responsibility for implementing specific security measures lies with marketplace developers and application clients. Safeguards against fraudulent behavior and prevention of ownership cycles should be considered during implementation.

The introduction of token bound accounts provides a powerful solution for enhancing ERC-721 tokens, enabling them to own assets and interact with applications. The proposal prioritizes compatibility, maintaining compatibility with existing contracts, and encourages collaboration in addressing security considerations. By implementing token bound accounts, the non-fungible token ecosystem can unlock new opportunities and create a more interconnected digital asset landscape.

4TH Of July

The 4th of July, also known as Independence Day, is an important holiday in the United States. It represents the day when the United States declared its independence from British rule in 1776. It's a day of celebration, patriotism, and reflection on the principles upon which the nation was founded.

The significance of the 4th of July lies in the Declaration of Independence, a document drafted by Thomas Jefferson and adopted by the Second Continental Congress. The Declaration proclaimed the colonies' intention to separate from Great Britain and established the United States as a new nation based on certain fundamental principles.

One of the key ideas expressed in the Declaration of Independence is the belief in individual rights and liberties. It declares that all people are created equal and endowed with certain unalienable rights, such as life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. This concept of equality and the inherent rights of individuals became the foundation for the American democracy and the basis for many of the freedoms enjoyed by Americans today.

The 4th of July is a time to remember and honor the sacrifices made by the early colonists and founding fathers who fought for independence. It's a day to appreciate the ideals and values that the United States was built upon, including democracy, freedom of speech, religious freedom, and the rule of law. It's also an opportunity to express gratitude to those who continue to serve and protect the country in various capacities, such as the military, law enforcement, and public service.

Celebrations on the 4th of July often include parades, fireworks, barbecues, and family gatherings. These festivities not only symbolize the joy and unity of the American people but also serve as a reminder of the importance of the nation's history and the ongoing pursuit of the principles outlined in the Declaration of Independence.

On this 4th of July we wish you and your family a great one. It is an occasion to celebrate, reflect, and appreciate the freedom and opportunities that come with being part of a democratic society.

From out previous Article on Flow

Sustaining Flow in Long-Term Projects: Managing your energy levels, taking regular breaks, and listening to your body are essential for sustaining flow during long-term projects.

Alpha mindset method

we teach Alpha mindset at Born bored. We hope you find this helpful.

  1. Set Clear Intentions: Start your day by setting clear intentions for what you want to accomplish and how you want to show up. This clarity provides a sense of direction and purpose.

  2. Embrace Positive Self-Talk: Use positive affirmations and self-talk to boost your confidence and belief in your abilities. Replace self-doubt and negative thoughts with empowering statements.

  3. Take Ownership of Your Actions: Adopt a proactive mindset and take responsibility for your choices and actions. Instead of waiting for things to happen, take initiative and make things happen.

  4. Maintain a Growth Mindset: Embrace challenges as opportunities for growth and learning. See failures as stepping stones toward success, and approach obstacles with a mindset of resilience and adaptability.

  5. Practice Mindfulness: Cultivate present-moment awareness throughout your day. Stay focused on the task at hand, savoring the experiences and appreciating the journey.

  6. Display Confidence and Assertiveness: Stand tall, maintain eye contact, and speak with conviction. Project confidence in your abilities and assertively express your needs and boundaries.

  7. Embody a Positive Attitude: Maintain a positive attitude, even in the face of challenges. Seek out the silver lining in every situation and approach difficulties with a solution-oriented mindset.

  8. Take Care of Your Physical Well-being: Prioritize self-care activities such as exercise, healthy eating, and adequate rest. Physical well-being directly impacts mental and emotional states.

Remember, cultivating an alpha mindset is about adopting a mindset of self-assurance, assertiveness, and personal empowerment. It's about embracing your potential and taking charge of your day with a positive and proactive attitude.

Watching for burnout

  1. Recognize the Signs: Be aware of the signs of burnout, such as chronic fatigue, decreased motivation, cynicism, and a decline in productivity. Acknowledge and listen to these warning signs, as they indicate that you may be at risk of burnout.

  2. Identify the Causes: Understand the underlying causes of burnout in your life, such as excessive workload, lack of work-life balance, lack of control, or unfulfilling work. Identifying the root causes can help you take appropriate action to prevent or mitigate burnout.

  3. Prioritize Self-Care: Make self-care a priority in your life. Engage in activities that recharge and rejuvenate you, such as exercise, hobbies, spending time with loved ones, and practicing relaxation techniques. Ensure you are getting adequate rest and practicing good sleep hygiene.

  4. Set Boundaries: Establish clear boundaries between work and personal life. Avoid overworking and allow yourself time for rest, leisure, and activities that bring you joy. Learn to say no when necessary and delegate tasks when possible to prevent overwhelm.

  5. Seek Support: Reach out to trusted friends, family, or colleagues for support and understanding. Consider seeking professional help if you are experiencing significant stress or burnout symptoms that impact your daily functioning.

  6. Practice Stress Management: Implement stress management techniques such as mindfulness, meditation, deep breathing exercises, and time management strategies to help alleviate stress and promote well-being.

  7. Regular Breaks: Take regular breaks throughout the day to recharge and refresh your mind. Incorporate micro-breaks and movement into your routine to prevent mental and physical fatigue.

  8. Review Workload and Priorities: Assess your workload and priorities regularly. Delegate tasks when possible, communicate your capacity to others, and focus on the most important and meaningful tasks.

Remember, burnout is a serious condition that can have long-lasting effects on your mental, emotional, and physical health. Prioritizing self-care, setting boundaries, and seeking support are essential in preventing and managing burnout effectively.

Your commitment to self-improvement and embracing your creative potential is truly inspiring

Throughout this journey, we have explored the depths of the flow state, uncovering its history, understanding its psychological foundations, and discovering the science behind it. We have examined the barriers that may impede our flow and learned effective strategies to overcome them. We have delved into the neuroscience of flow and explored the impact of stress and anxiety on our creative endeavors.

But this knowledge is just the beginning. It is up to you, as passionate creators and artists, to apply this knowledge and embark on your personal quest for flow. Remember these key takeaways: the importance of understanding your own creative rhythms, developing personal rituals, creating a supportive environment, embracing acceptance, and practicing self-care.

As you journey towards continuous flow, know that it won't always be smooth sailing. There may be obstacles and moments of self-doubt, but remember that even the most accomplished artists face these challenges. Embrace the imperfections, let go of the fear of failure, and trust in your creative instincts.

Find solace in the power of self-care, nourishing your mind, body, and soul. Prioritize rest, fuel yourself with nourishing experiences, and cultivate a positive mindset that allows your creative spirit to flourish.

Together, let us cultivate an alpha mindset, embracing our potential, and facing each day with confidence and determination. Let us seek the balance between challenge and skill, weaving a tapestry of creativity and innovation.

May your journey towards flow be filled with moments of inspiration, exhilaration, and breakthroughs. May you find joy in the process of creation and experience the transformative power of the flow state.

Thank you for joining me on this exploration. Keep creating, keep seeking, and never stop flowing.

With warmest regards,

-ck and team-

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Born Bored/CK News and Updates News Letter
Born Bored/CK News and Updates News Letter Podcast
Our podcast is a vibrant hub for enthusiasts, creators, and dreamers in the realms of cutting-edge technology and Web3 art. Each episode is a journey into the heart of innovation, exploring the most exciting advancements and creative endeavors in the digital world.
Join us as we dive into the depths of Web3, unraveling its mysteries and showcasing how it's reshaping the art scene. From blockchain breakthroughs to NFT revolutions, we cover it all with a fun and engaging twist. Our community is a melting pot of ideas and inspirations, where you're not just a listener but an active participant, an "alpha" of your own story.
Whether you're a tech guru, an art aficionado, or someone who loves staying ahead of the curve, "Alpha Innovators" is your gateway to staying informed and inspired. With expert insights, lively discussions, and a touch of humor, we make the complex world of tech and art accessible and enjoyable.
So, plug in, power up, and prepare to be part of a community that's at the forefront of the digital revolution. Subscribe to "Alpha Innovators" and be the alpha of your own innovative journey!